From the Board President…

August 9, 2023

            I am so excited to see what I’ll be writing from the Board President in September! The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood is entering into our 128th year as a constituted and incorporated congregation, and in all those years has there ever been a year like this one? Of course there have been times without a settled minister. And there have been sabbaticals with the regular minister away for months. And yet 2023-24 feels different.

            Adapting the “Ma Nishtana” of the Passover seder, I’ve been wondering, “Why is this year different from all other years?” It seems to me that while USR has experienced similar seasons in our life, the world outside us has remained relatively, reliably constant. What’s different today is that so many things are in flux! I have my own list, and I suspect each of you reading this will have your own. Take your pick: climate, authoritarianism, nukes, AI, plague…  All of these existential threats make this moment feel potentially very different from anything we’ve ever experienced. And as UUs, people of values and faith, we believe we’re called to make the effort to make a difference in the world.

            So, I don’t want to sound doomerist, but how will we deal? How will we cope? Indeed, will we survive? If you’ve heard of Toby Ord’s book The Precipice, you know that existential risk implies existential hope.

            This is why I’m wishing I were writing this in September. Next month the Sabbatical Committee will have introduced an experienced and exciting “covering minister” who will be supporting us in the nine months’ journey of Rev. Sarah’s leave-time. They will have shared a chart outlining who will be responsible for what, and how we’ll keep the boat on course. The Spiritual Development Circle will have a list of diverse and interesting leaders for Sunday services in Rev. Sarah’s absence. Other circles and committees will have announced the events they’re planning for the coming year. (Hint: There’s a lot in the pipeline!)

            And the Board will be able to share our vision for the coming year, a year of great promise as well as some anxiety. At tonight’s meeting (Zoom Link: the Board will be brainstorming this list of questions:

  • What could the Board accomplish in the coming year, a year unlike “normal” years?
  • What role will we play during Rev. Sarah’s leave and sabbatical, in relation to the Sabbatical Committee and to the congregation? What stays the same, and what changes?
  • How will we relate to our covering minister and leadership leaves monthly ministers to use their gifts in the limited time they share with us?
  • What is the unfinished work that we noted in the past year that we will agree to work on? (eg. Bylaws revision, policy updates, etc.)
  • What does the Board need from Rev Sarah before leave starts?
  • How does the board want to handle supervision of staff during the leave?
  • Plans for if the baby comes earlier than anticipated?
  • Any other particulars that need sorting?

In the remaining days of summer, we can attend to the quotidian. Listen to the cicadas. Enjoy the new puppy. Treasure the cooler days when they come and a morning walk feels so fresh. Talk to the neighbors. Keep in touch on Sunday mornings, either on-site or online. Anticipate the simple blessings to come. And send a note to the politicians who need to be held to account for dealing with the future.

As always, I try to keep it real, and if I don’t get back to you after your first try, please email or call me again!

                                    –Jack Lohr, President for the Board of Trustees

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