Women’s Marches — January 20, 2018

Save the Date: Women’s March on NYC and Women’s March on NJ

Women’s Marches are planned for Saturday, January 20 all around the country. The two closest to us are in Morristown (the NJ March from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and the Columbus Circle (NYC March from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) Both marches are publicizing primarily on Facebook. We will plan car pools to Morristown. Many are also taking public transportation into NY. Please contact Carol Loscalzo if you want to be involved and would like to attend with others from USR. Is there anybody who would like to coordinate car pools, meeting places, etc.? All help greatly appreciated.

From NJ organizers:
We marched in Washington DC, our state capital of Trenton, and all across New Jersey one year ago. We showed the power, tenacity, and fierceness we have as women. This time we meet in Morristown on January 20th for the Women’s March on New Jersey. Let us come together to celebrate our victories of the past year, charge our batteries for the new year, and send the message that our voices cannot be silenced. NYC is using Eventbrite to gauge the numbers who will be attending. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-womens-march-on-nyc-tickets-39150171216

Click here to view the Morristown march flyer.

Photos from last year’s marches:

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