The Universalist Spirit

Yesterday, a massive earthquake hit Mexico. Already stories are out of friends and neighbors helping clear rubble from fallen buildings, often with their bare hands. This is yet one more natural disaster among many we have seen lately. And today, as I write, yet another ferocious hurricane is cutting a swath through the Caribbean.

Thirty years ago, Mr. Rogers first publicly shared the way his mother would help him understand tragedies as a child. As PBS paraphrases is: “when he was a boy and would see scary things on the news, [his] mother would say to [him], ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'” This message helped him to feel less scared and lost, to feel secure and to recognize that even at the worst of moments, human beings can rise up together.

I like to think of this as an adult. It helps. And it helps me to remember that it isn’t just official helpers like police and firefighters and doctors and nurses, it’s any of us, all of us. Strangers stepping up to do what is right and help one another.

This Sunday we are exploring our Universalist past which declares that we are all equal children of the stars; deserving, and more than that, loved. Please join us as we affirm the spirit of compassion and inclusivity and justice with which our Universalist forebears gifted us.

After services, we will celebrate with a potluck to help us open this congregational year. Please join us for the festivities, help us to build and strengthen and deepen our community.


Rev. Sarah