Moratorium Mondays

Governor Murphy needs to hear from you – New Jerseyans don’t want more fossil fuels, we want a 100% renewable energy future! Please join us for #MoratoriumMondays calling on Governor Murphy to enact a moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects in NJ.

Thanks to everyone who has been calling and sharing on #MoratoriumMondays. We need to continue to grow the pressure on Governor Murphy until we have a full fossil fuel moratorium on all new projects throughout the state, hence this repeating action alert email.

Step one in joining us for #MoratoriumMondays is to call Governor Murphy yourself at 866-586-4069 between 9am and 5pm every Monday this month and ask him to take immediate action.

Stop the Meadowlands power plant!

The North Bergen Liberty Generating Project is a proposed gas-fired power plant. 100% of the power would be exported electricity to New York City through underground cables running below the Hudson. If approved, the Meadowlands Power Plant would be the largest CO2 emitter in NY and NJ.

Simply put, if the Governor doesn’t take immediate action to fight climate change by stopping new sources of green house gas pollution in NJ like the Meadowlands Power Plant, and by implementing a real plan to reduce existing green house gases, then he will be putting thousands of lives and billions of dollars in economic damage at risk.

After you’ve made the call, please encourage your friends and family to make the call. I’m texting ten people directly, plus sharing the attached image on social media.

You can also share this facebook event with friends to help get out the word about #MoratoriumMondays