A Message from Rev. Sarah

My friends,

I’ve been thinking all day about what to write in response to yesterday’s shooting. Trying to find the right words to offer comfort, or hope. But I haven’t any. What I have are words of anger. Righteous, exhausted, frustrated anger. How many times must this happen? How many children have to die? When will we stop acting like we have no voice, no choice, no recourse here? My heart breaks for those 17 dead children, for their families and friends. For all the children and families who will never forget the feelings of terror. I weep for them all, and I rage at the endlessness of this. I, like many parents, felt an extra fear sending my children out into the world today. Yes, in the context of the wider world, we are privileged in the safety our children enjoy, but that’s no excuse for allowing this kind of violence and horror to take place in our country. We can do better by our citizens and by our children.

I don’t know the answer. I have ideas, as I’m sure you do. We should share those ideas. See if we can’t take some of our amazing USR justice energy and work and pour it into ending these mass tragedies.

For all those whose lives will never be the same,
For all of us who drop-off each day with fear,
For this nation that fails its people in so many ways,
For all of humanity as we struggle to move closer to peace,

For all of us, we need to do better. We need to find a way forward that ends this horrible cycle of violence.

If you are struggling today, reach out. To me, to your friends and family, and your fellow USRers. Let yourself be sad, angry, whatever you need.

And hug your loved ones close today. Make sure they know your love.

With tears and with righteous anger,

Rev. Sarah

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