Statement from the Rev. Dr. Sarah Lenzi Regarding the Violence in Charlottesville

We are deeply saddened and extremely troubled by the violence and death that has occurred in Charlottesville, Virgina today.

Our hearts and thoughts are with those whose lives were taken or are on the line, and with those working on the ground to ameliorate a horrible situation.

The events that have unfolded are yet one more sign of the dangerous path we are walking as a nation. As long as we continue to normalize hatred and bigotry, as long as we fail to face our country’s history of racial prejudice and violence, as long as we commit ourselves only to study and learn as opposed to changing our ways, we are headed for more destruction and death.

The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood condemns the violence of today but also the foundation of hatred that enabled it. There is no place for white supremacy, for racism or misogyny, for hatred, in the Beloved Community we seek to build.

In the wake of this recent round of tragic violence that exposes the deep wounds of our nation, please reach out if you are feeling troubled or lost. We must come together to steel our resolve for the hard work that must be done to right wrongs and heal hurts.

May the people of Charlottesville know peace tonight.
May the families that grieve know they are not alone.
May those who stood against hate today know that they have the gratitude of those of us who couldn’t be there.
And may we all remember that we can be part of the healing.

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